
cherry picking today

there are no freedoms just perceived expressions of content..
or content ie; 
created information and media that gives a net desired output.. 
mass [informia]- those who seek levels of information.. exceeding what is usual, proper, necessary, or laden with script..
hence me.. and perhaps google/facebook,the word and world as one..
(at some point.. informia~)... bacteria-like..  spawn'd

the puppets will rise up one day.. even if..
(we as civilization have to go backwards... we will have to go back to the stone age.. to stop freedom of mind and thought and sharing)

lol puppets..to us no we are not..
to the perceived world yes..
even in the land of the free..
statistics all
start anything from the user up..
its called revolutions and worse..
dumb, un, not realistic, bad,
unless there is money to be made..

lived it too long to believe otherwise..
there are no freedoms just perceived expressions of content...

the tomb of content?
lol beautiful on the inside they say..
i've heard once one is content they stop being.. human


35 minutes ago..

what i like about "friends" is their ability.. 
to say or do a thing,
 that changes your life to a better moment than before... 

to my friends and family love lovexx Happy Holidays again.

[any clues for the rabid wolf]

yes i've said slowly..

i've found a love i'd say.. 
where she will keep me
upon her day..

flowers and smiles
and miles and tears

emotions and
oceans have cast us

loving the waves of her
truest breath
where she stopped
to take her rest

lonely bird
sighted a nest
following feathers
of unrest..

its me i'd say
loving you best
kiss'd and welcome
this i'd insist.... J


for jazz..  
you move me, you groove me, you smooth me,
   you soothe me.... you keep me waiting,(waiting)
   you move me, groove me.. you keep waiting, waiting waiting,
soothe me...
bump pa bump bump bump.....


[edited peace y'all]...

[edited peace y'all]...
by Jabezz Dezerai on Sunday, December 4, 2011 at 10:17pm
i am sure someone had this thought... until we build our various grids,, (power,education, communications.. government.. etc.) from the user up.. we will never really excel.. and if you look at the web and it's appendages? you see a start in this direction.. and also by sharing(instead of selling).. we attain a greater sense of being... it also addresses privacy/security as it comes from the user up...

[myamerica inc.]

They keep lying,
while we keep dying.
Is America a government or people?
A way of living, or a credit report?
A nation for people.
   or for wall street?


 it is hard sometimes not to be this sensitive... and not that I am lazy.. my adult lifexx what a distance, between events and relationships mad i sad i want  Janex 

what a glorious earthquake in my soul


.After/Before (more babelocity©)

Things of man, relics, icons, written verse.
Riddles, parables, tales, worse than curse.
Lonely man, faith no more.
Faith, works, does the heart believe.

After thousands of years, and truths, 
giving to ceasar,
is what i want to do.
Letting commonality, 
replace common sense.
The "will" of the many over the few, 
killing the unclean, 
murdering those who don't go along,
a culture of perfection.
With death as a reward,
streets of gold,
where one only serves, 
something that leaves you empowered to let those ..
who keep taking, faking,
and killing and raping,
using the name,.
 playing the game.. 

Generational generosity,
yet I turn my other cheek toward thee...

Have you seen me? 
Amidst the gulag,

the household of people.
I rage, howl, I hunger.
We are the ones not on the TV,
 invisible statistics,
digitized dramatized.

Marginal curosities,
everyday addictions,
to the pulpit of excessive en-brandenment.
The franchise of them, who are not. 
Part of that chorus, who sing silently.. nightly..
hence madness

Before another insult,
another word, that has been hurled,
before more wounds are revealed.
  Toss me several verbs, That I, might have a crown.
And a noun or two, would be nice.

how about you?

  • getting blue.. 
    blue sunday blue.. 
    all alone..
     its true... 
    thinking cuz 
    you let me
    take a walk...
    with you..

     beaches oh...
     and ooh curly headed curls
     waves and birds 
    and in the Mist with you.
    tears for..
     am missing from you... 
    trembled and searching everywhere..
    so look
     it's that good
    told you to love me up 
    and you did do... 
    don't let me stop
     to catch your breath
     loving youxxxxxxxxxxx

    to awaken the tomatox

    Your cup, 
    I stirred somewhat clamorously, 
    responded singing.. 

    sounds of surf, sea.. 
    beyond sirens pitch'd wailing warning.. 
    Attempting to resolve nature's fury.. 
    I added coffee, 
    vanilla creme, 
    and a touch of sweet sugar.. 
    To awaken the tomato...nsidex


    I know the fool you spake, 
    In much clamour, 
    he'd awake. 
    and once more, 
    as before. 
    implore as to your fate..

    one for all

    One for All.. (If in my dream, I awake, in Tintagel)

    I supposed, your prim`rose.
       Petals tickle, thorns cling,
       to wanton butterflies, like me..

    I'd post this on a note..
       Jasmine'd.. revolution,
     I also know of the distance, between..
    And I know not one thing of sentiment,
       or prose..

    It just comes to mind.. I try.. (my secret goal is a smile)..

    I like your name..

    And I invite you to me,
       my butterfly.