
just slacking not fracking..

 dearest reporter..

 i love that you are trying to instill [perhaps] regret.    
    whilst the protest is an ongoing event.. yet
the young people media fed,   
    now old folks that actually bled. 
they have their reasons to object..

like age of instant and now...   
   unlike ms. o'leary's cow.. (or ms.maddow)   
we want this place.. 
   at our own pace    
and insist, not disavow.


some activist thinking of mine- getting involved.. (INVOLVED) Abolish Corp Personhood

do I have any thoughts, 
yes I do and poor grammar also...

        but, I am stepping out here on limb and give you what I understand, based on what I have read here and elsewhere..
        it seems, that to reach out and change this, we must have a core set of ideas, lists of actions, messages, plans. etc..
       (an order) they must be (at best), simple to engage, capture the mind(s) that need and will benefit.. (as well as those that will help us to transmit our cause)                          
        also to those that happen to just wonder,wish and cannot and or would not understand, which is perhaps why we have come to this point.

         I have come to this point, and bear no fruits other than the desire for a better world and a hope that we could abolish a system that has created such disparities and has separated not just one but many cultures from their inherent choice of what liberties remain..

         make no mistake,  there are thousands, if not, millions of people who look to the efforts and history of our great nation and it's sons and daughters, and have a respect for that which benefits them directly..
         and to abolish the dire capitalistic sense of a corporation's identity, we must also qualify that cause, to have a way to voice that what is our common concerns and those beneficial actions.. 

         so with all these words that linger..
with a core set of ideas, we engage those who might support us, lead us, assist us, and of course we should have some type of a list of action, legal plans,etc.. 
         to prevent any missteps, and facilitate our deeds and messages, plans.(our actions) 
         which not only involve the now, but the future legality and questioning by everyone affected..

         we need experienced people at the top, middle, and bottom..
         would you say more than several committed and engaged citizens, persons..

         we need communication..
open communication, and monitors that keep this fair and legit and keep the way clear.. 
         voices might become deafening, and the cause, the path, the way, misleading.. 
         there should be no gain, except a better, more balanced union, and established prosperity.
         to my country, and this I would commit.
         and there is room for even more discussion, because this will never be over.. 
         and plans, actions must be considered carefully and with respect to our common ideals, and sense of fraternity ? the USA:)
         (and i am not running for office,it just seems this must be said.. from my viewpoint)
         as i don't have a good sense of who is what or who is minding what here, just a great concern for what we are and have become.

         so let us define then.