
.dimensions of now [Or Nine hundred and ninety nine instead instead of nine]

I try to be simple in writing, as My origins remain suspect, but contempt is direction.
Earlier on..
.go Ye then, to decline, nevermind, nothing. nirvana, blest, upended quest. qualified, rectified, lover of life, listless strife, mysterious conception, translation.
          In dreams I attempted to experience, express alarm concerning world and humanity, so.

and to wealth of spirit, of commitment, I commend what honor befits us, all common, engaged, equally, and hurry, necessity. change, compassion, what truth, respect, union. we speak of society as derived from an equation, but like an ocean, in waves of neglect, earth, humanity expresses the values, of it's content. where wealthy powerful claimants pretend their activity null, [due] influence void, in this instant, this now, concrete and prior societal evolutions, present the stage, for invested concern, by [all], and including what masters remain. they cannot claim ownership to what never belonged to, the breath, cradle to generations unborn, unbounded, and in this greater sense of connection, the voices of a few, have met, their master, that door, of archaic, customs, beliefs whose values has no place, but as truths lesson , beliefs not possible, if all remain equal, sustained. 

so what we value most, becomes our expression, our reality. knowingly or otherwise.

   I was going to write, about how we, mostly, as a organized society, are moving away from that tradition, but trapped by the Vendors, pervasive, yet, in their sense of society.
        we have come to that very age of instant, and now. and together, we can grow, this effect, into so much more, once we accept that our values must change.

In this era, values of things, ideas, can be unique, shared enough, to where they become alive, instant, now. hence any war, or perceived action, against, what we consider, contention. even more, created economic perceptions, adjustments, planned by secretive meetings, exposed, their champions, met by mob, kept alive by ideas cherished, valuable beyond what political barriers devise.

         what one values as production, in the sense of the capitalistic, is actually a yoke of slavery, that modifies, the outcome, based on belief, of obtaining the greatest good, for whom? results are in, the western model, fails at providing, any remarkable other, than Wars[or effects] over limited resources, owned by all unique inhabitants of this planet.
     in this age [religion] fails, but remains, as an anchor to words, worlds granted, kingdoms to men, whereas feminism, stratification, carry traditional burdens.

                perhaps people are real, democracy is an idea, corporations are not owning, anything of value, that people give value to. the earth, belongs to all, not government, or corporate, unless, people, knowingly value that perception. and in this era, government and corporate, have really shown what they value. division, neglect, corruption, destruction, of what people value, life.

we award prizes for intent, meant to pacify contempt, allusions of direction, lately even perceived expression of political will, understanding.
    about [Malala]
perhaps the intended value of what she considers as socialistic, is confined by her, education, cultural environment. War? Drones, sticks, stones?
          we despise our own hypocrisy, found in others.
                        all duly note, even in nature, that true socialism is compassion, is yielding, a very ancient truth, trapped in oppression.
    modern society and it's pretended socialist thought, perhaps given stigma, effecting transfer into a capitalist reality.

perhaps the sense of democracy, doesn't mean Democratic in this age of Corporate citizenry.. value perhaps at personal level ★ Democratic if shared.

[oh and add love always]


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